Mail Bag! The Errol Flynn Blog Huntington Hartford Pool House!

The Errol Flynn Mailbag brings us a fascinating series of photos of Huntington Hartford’s Pool House from the period that Errol would have stayed there says Erik Nielsen. He provides some information about the photos which I include here with his permission:

Erik writes,This is a shot similar to the one your have on the Errol Flynn Blog:


Looking  West more directly towards the living room:


Looking to the living room across the pool. Note the pool is empty as in your photo:


The Living Room looking towards the gallery the leads to the entry.
For reference to the size of the fireplace . . . the opening is 6′-10″ high:


Living Room, looking towards the south and the pool beyond. The
kitchen is just to the left. Eating area towards the right:


Looking down the gallery towards the Living Room.
The entry is to the left and the bedroom door is just behind the photographer.
The doors you see to the left are for the two changing rooms and bathroom:


A photo I’d taken in 1973 of the ruin:


Erik says, It was an extraordinary structure … the livingroom in particular. Basically, it was one bedroom which was at the end of the building. Along the galley were two doors that led to two changing room and a bathroom. Each of the changing rooms had doors to the outside for access to the pool. It.s a shame Jules Berman had it and the other buildings on the property destroyed.
Maybe someone following your website will come up with some additional photos.
I imagine that Hartford was using the mansion that McCormack built, which may explain why Flynn got the pool house.
As I recall ,there were two other cottages on the property closer to the mansion. The tennis court and pool house were quite a bit further up the road. All photos except the color shot taken by me in 1973 are from 1957.


– Thanks Erik!

— David DeWitt

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