G. Errolae, G. Norae & G. Zacae

Professor Flynn is reported to have identified what may have been perhaps dozens of possible new species of marine life on the “Cruise of the Zaca” in 1946. Three of these were said to have been named G. Errolae, G. Norae & G. Zacae, after his loving son, his lovely daughter-in-law, and, of course, the majestic vessel on which he sailed, the Zaca.

Here is some data on Leuckartiara Zacae, discovered and named in 1940, when Zaca still belonged to Templeton Crocker.



Does anyone know anything regarding any formal registrations of G. Errolae, G. Norae & G. Zacae, or any of the other marine life discoveries made during “Cruise of the Zaca”?



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— Tim

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