The roots of travel III

fank hurley underwater

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

this is the latest and last installment on Aussie adventurer Frank Hurley and his influence on Young Errol.

He is the likely source for his travel bug and recurring themes in Flynn`s persuit of a life lived to the fullest . See:

The roots of travel

The roots of travel II

Now Hurley as a person bears some striking biografical similarities to our Hollywood hero. A school drop out, a war correspondent and an explorer with artistic aspirations, that is what he was and then he was some more:…

In an ever ongoing quest to expand bounderies and human horizons, he pioneered in the art of underwater photography.…

He kept a diary all his life and carried the honoray title “Captain” everywhere he went. Even though heavily criticized for altering his pictures (he was a master in blending and coloring them) and romanticizing his undertakings to extreme, his works stand the test of time.

Errol would have been inclined to say, that Frank Hurley merely was “hamming it up”. There`s no ha(r)m in doing that, is there?


— shangheinz

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