Errol Flynn in the Forbidden City, USA


Watching The Lady from Shanghai a couple of days back on TCM, I was intrigued by the scene where Rita Hayworth stops below a marquis-like sign saying Shanghai Low. It was clear that Welles was framing his shots to feature that sign and name. … As chance would have it, a story about Charlie Low linked below was published online the very next day or so. Charlie Low was a pivotal figure in the history of San Francisco, a Chinese American who transformed America’s oldest “Chinatown” into a tourist mecca in the days of Flynn. Perhaps this sign was for one of Charlie Low’s properties, I thought.

As recorded in this article, Errol, along with Orson & Rita, and many other Hollywood Stars, were renowned guests at Charlie Low’s world famous nightclub/cabaret, Forbidden City USA, which set off a hugely popular array of similar entertainment venues for Occidental tourists, including, perhaps most notably, Club Shanghai. Among great acts of all kinds – singing, dancing, magic, etc. – these clubs were known far and wide for ethnically exotic/erotic entertainment, including performances by dancers like Noel Toy, the subject of the YouTube video below. I imagine Errol would have surely seen some of these “China Doll” shows, likely even Noel Joy, who did know and work with Clark Gable, for example. I’m certain Errol wouldn’t let Gable top him.…

Forbidden City

Forbidden City Brochure

Club Shanghai…

— Tim

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