Thanksgiving Day at Baron Sepy’s Place

happy thanksgiving to all on the efb!

in tribute to sir baronheinz’s labeurs extraordinaire concerning the three barons – the russian baron of lichtenstein, the hungarian baron of coconut grove, and, of course, the tasmanian baron of mulholland – I found and explored the legendary baron sepy’s legendary mansion in coconut grove.

first let me say that this is an Extremely hard place to glimpse, never mind roam through! so, future visitors to miami intent in seeing it, be forewarned! it is very tough to get to – accessible only via a series of two sets of very heavy electric automotive gates, equally heavy private & public security, hidden away at the end of very private, dead-end street, in a very small and secuded neighborhood, thoroughly obscured by lush tropical surroundings.

even so, as i promised a good while back to baronheinz, and reminded by his incredible bus ride and interview in lichtenstein, i made it in! and guess what i found! it’s presently unoccupied and under total renovation – allowing me to visit every nook and cranny!!

first, please meet sepy and anita:

here’s the renowned charging bull portico!


the now temporarily open air front of home:


the famous circular fireplace:


the pool & cabana:


a back wooden cabin:


thank you for the inspiration, sepyheinz!

— Tim

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