Tiger Tale: Film of the Flynn Family Tiger?

In Wicked, Wicked Ways, Errol tells of T.T.’s Tasmanian Tiger, caged on a courtyard behind his childhood Hobart home. According to leading Aussie Flynn Scholar, Robert de Young, the Flynn’s Taz Tiger may be the very one featured in “The Hunter”, the 2012 filmed-in-Tasmania movie starring Willem Dafoe. Looks like the some of the spectacular locations featured in the film may also well be the very wondrous land Errol speaks of adventuring through with his father in search of the Thylacine and other extremely rare mostly-marsupial Down Under species.

Here is an official trailer of The Hunter, with clips of what may have been Errol’s “pet” “tiger” and old childhood stomping in Tasmania:

The Hunter Official Trailer #1 – Willem Dafoe:

And here’s more extended, original live footage of the Thylacine in question, filmed at the Hobart Zoo:


Was this Errol’s “pet” Tasmania Tiger??

Errol Flynn: A Life at Sea


— Tim

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