“Very Exciting New Footage” of Errol in Ireland!

04 Jul

New film of Errol discovered in Ireland!…


Here’s a good summary of Errol’s connections to Ireland through his father:…

The Flynn’s Kilklief Castle neighborhood in County Down. They lived in “Kurra Jong”, their home by the sea:


— Tim


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  1. Lollie

    The Real Person!

    Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    July 5, 2014 at 12:31 pm

    That is great! I wonder when we can view the footage with Errol?

    • Gentleman Tim

      July 6, 2014 at 5:47 am

      I, too, hope they put it out soon, Lollie! The way it’s said, the film appears it may have some connection to Errol’s visiting Northern Ireland – perhaps to see his Mom & Dad? He was definitely up there when his Dad was at Queens University Belfast. The parents are said to have had one home right nearby the university on Stranmillis Road, and one “vacation home” out by Kilclief Castle, on Strangford Lough.…

      • Lollie

        The Real Person!

        Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        July 6, 2014 at 11:12 am

        It is really amazing Tim,new Errol ! :D

        • Gentleman Tim

          July 7, 2014 at 2:18 am

          Yes, Lollie, terrific! I looked up the details of this provided in the link just made known to us by Michael Cummins in David’s Mailbag post today. Appears there are 24 35-mm prints of Errol Flynn Theater, seven of which were previously regarded lost. So this is definitely big, “Out of the Blue”, Flynnian news!


          Newly Found Shows include:

          3/11/56 FAREWELL PERFORMANCE

          6/12/56 THE KINSMAN

          4/15/57 DECLASSE

          4/20/57 FIRST COME, FIRST LOVED

          6/4/57 THE CELLINI CUP

          9/3/57 THE RUSTLE OF SILK (with Ron Howard – Trevor’s son!)

          11/5/57 OUT OF THE BLUE


          • Gentleman Tim

            July 7, 2014 at 2:26 am

            Here’s an excellent reference to all the EFT shows, Lollie! Looks like we’re all in for a treat, getting to see Errol host & possible narrate seven shows previously believed lost. Plus, ALL of these shows – even the ones previously available – apparently have not been in as good as quality as these newly discovered films! (Shows previously available are evidently all of inferior quality, not in 35-mm, as these new films are said to be. Morevover, some or all of the ones already available may be “edited”.

