Errol Flynn wins top billing in game to name inaugural Tasmanian Theatre Awards

Errol Flynn wins top billing in game to name inaugural Tasmanian Theatre Awards

  • Actors Olivia De Havilland and Tasmanian-born Errol Flynn in 1935 film Captain Blood. Pic

Actors Olivia De Havilland and Tasmanian-born Errol Flynn in 1935 film Captain Blood. Picture: TCMSource: Supplied

TASMANIA’S new theatre awards have been christened The Errols, paying tribute to the state’s swashbuckling Hollywood star Errol Flynn.

Theatre Council of Tasmania chairman Rod Anderson announced the name, which was chosen via a public competition, on ABC Breakfast Radio this morning.

“My fellow judges and I were overwhelmed with the number of entries we received and were really impressed — not just with the level of interest shown — but the amount of thought that went into each of the 120-plus nominations,” Mr Anderson said.


Several people suggested The Errols as a potential name, leaving the judges to pick the competition winner out of a hat. Duncan Hall, from South Hobart, was selected and will receive two tickets an Errol-nominated show of his choice.

Designed to celebrate excellence in the performing arts throughout Tasmania, the inaugural Errols feature almost 30 award categories, open to local productions staged between February 1 this year and January 2015.

Judging has already started, with the first awards ceremony to be held next March.

tassie devil

— tassie devil

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