The Errol Flynn Mailbag …

Got an email from one of our members who kindly sent an article link to me that he felt shouldn’t be posted to the blog, and I agree with him. The subject was the autopsy of Errol Flynn. I think the subject is worthy of discussion but if images are involved I certainly don’t want to see them. I was sent an image of Errol laying dead in the morgue that was embedded in an email – no idea it was going to be there, no warning, and I never, ever wanted to see a photo like this, nor would I care to see autopsy photos. I didn’t click the article link in case there were images. I have read his autopsy report, and there is nothing wrong with discussing it, if you really want to. But I prefer to think of Errol as he lived his amazing life, and not the nitty gritty of his death. Rory Flynn is a member of this blog, and I am sure she wouldn’t care to see anybody post something with those sorts of images. So far, nobody has done anything like this – but my friend’s email leads me to make a formal statement about this. Just sayin’ …

— David DeWitt

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