“The Baron”

A few questions regarding the history of Errol’s regal sobriquet – “The Baron”:

Is there any definite evidence of WHO originated the name? Most often, if not always, it’s been attributed to Jack Warner. Is that certain and, if so, WHEN did he first use that in reference to Errol? And WHY? Is the name an allusion to Baron Munchhausen, known for his telling of impossibly fantastic tales? Or is the name a reference to what could be seen as Errol’s Baronial manner? Or possibly his being a “land baron” with the acquisition of Mulholland Estate?

There appear to be POSSIBLE origins with The Olympiads, maybe even with Raoul Walsh or Ida Lupino. Certainly – though it’s been written that only Jack Warner contemporaneously called him Baron – that’s not true; both Walsh & “Scout” (Errol’s name for Ida) did, also, among others, I believe.

So, what’s the true history of “The Baron”?? Was it Warner’s creation, or adoption?

The Baron of Mulholland

Baron Flask

Baron Cigarrette Case

— Tim

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