I received some fascinating information from a new subscriber recently and it was SO fascinating that I offered Carl Faulkner an Author Invitation on the spot! That announcement will be made next! He sends us this:
Hello David,
Please find attached some information relating to Errol which I have come across. I don’t know if they already on the website – but I hope you find them interesting.
1. EF Passenger entry on the Queen Mary (New York – London 1949)
2. EF’s Father and Mother passenger entry SS Matina (Jamaica – Liverpool 1957)
3. Passenger entry of SS Berima arriving at London from Tasmania via South Africa in 1920 (EF 11 years old) . Interestingly, in addition to his mother, father and sister there is also an Elizabeth Flynn (aged 57). It also seems to indicate EF travelled earlier to England than is currently known?
4. Passenger entry SS Ballarat – Theodore Flynn (Sydney – London 1923)
5. Passenger entry SS Manistee – EF’s mother and father – (Jamaica –Liverpool 1954)
6. Passenger entry SS Normandie Theodore Flynn (Southampton UK – USA 1939)
7. Second part of above naming EF as next-of-kin.
8. Electoral register giving EF’s parents address in London 1958 (79a Belsize Park Gardens)
Also see photo of house to – perhaps EF visited this house as described in your article – www.theerrolflynnblog….
9. Passenger entry SS Ile De France EF’s mother and father (New York – Southampton 1929)
10. Newspaper article regarding estate of EF (1964)
Carl Faulkner
— David DeWitt
The Real Person!
July 19, 2012 at 3:18 pm
Nice addition to the blog files! A warm welcome to another Faulkner! Seems that name generates artists, writers,scientists and much more!