William Donati Chimes In!

William Donati says:
May 3, 2012 at 2:38 pm

Noted hoax biographer Charles Higham is dead.
For decades Higham feasted on the corpses of dead celebrities: Errol Flynn, Howard Hughes, Cary Grant, and others were victims of Higham’s degenerate imagination.
I proved that Higham engaged in the most heinous crime a non-fiction writer can perpetrate: he engaged in literary fraud to prove his thesis. Higham rewrote and published a government surveillance document to lie to readers that Flynn had been identified by authorities as a Nazi spy. The Los Angeles Times published my findings in “Shadows on a Legend” by Garry Abrams, March 24, 1989. Higham crowned himself as the worst hoax biographer in modern times.

William Donati

-Special Thanks to Karl Holmberg

— David DeWitt

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