Welcome to the new home of The Errol Flynn Blog!

This is the new home of TheErrolFlynnBlog.com…! It will be awhile before I am able to say I know how to run this horse and buggy, due to a technical problem with my ability to work on it for a few day before it went “Live” so please bear with me as I set things up and learn how they run… there will be a learning curve for all of us!

In the moment, I see that all Authors have been migrated to the Users section which is something I did not expect. However, all previously registered Readers do not appear in any list.  I have added a Photo Gallery Plugin called NextGEN that I think will serve us well! This gallery has the ability to move photos between albums, for instance!

With any migration, things are not exactly as they used to be, or in the same place, necessarily. But much should look familiar!

There is an entirely new look, and a new posting window that includes a Visual tab and an HTML tab. I will be exploring what we can do here right along with you! We will undoubtedly be making some changes and trying to reset some things to reflect what they used to be, as well as moving in new directions. We have an anti-spam plugin that I need to become familiar with and for a time any post with more than 2 links in it may be moderated until I am able to set the plugin up the way it will work best for us. I have eliminated the need to give your name and email address every time you make a comment – which may or may not last if it welcomes a lot of spamming… I have new spam filters to play with, so it could get dicey up until I learn to set them up the right way. Please bear with me.

There is also the fact that most posts and comments pre-migration have “anonymous” attached to them! I may be able to fix this! For now, if you are a reader you will need to sign up again. Authors, I am adding email addresses to the login page for you. I am uncertain about passwords!  That is how fresh this place is… I have just this moment started kicking the tires, myself!

Note: your first comment will be moderated! After that, you will be able to comment just by logging in! This is a feature of the blog that allows me to see who might be spamming us before they can leave a comment.





— David DeWitt

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