Vote for Errol!

I have been sent this e-mail from a friend on the TCM Classic Film Union and it is a website where we all can vote for Errol to be #1 – I hope you participate – have fun making Errol #1!  Errol must have a lot of fans voting for him as he is #5 on the list already.

Bashor 2202 – his e-mail reads:

I am writing you
to tell you of a classic movie fan website I have launched. It is a
Hall of Fame shot where classic movie fans decide the inductees. Four
times a year the highest vote getter will be inducted into this online
Hall of Fame. The categories are Actors, Actresses, Films, Directors and
a Behind the Scenes Person. One from each category will be inducted
each session. This is not a solicitation. It is absolutely free to vote
for your favorites, I make no money from your votes. We do ask for name
and email on ballot to make sure of one vote per person during induction
period. We do not sell any of your information. Go to…
if you would like to vote. Thank you.

— Tina

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