Maureen O Hara film festival

On saturday I attended the Maureen O Hara film festival in Glengarriff its about a five hour drive from where I live but it was worth it. they screened “The adventures of Robin Hood” with an introduction by Rory Flynn who spoke about her father's early life before Hollywood, she read out a letter from Errol to his father in the letter Errol writes that he has had enough of his life in and around Australia New Guinea and he is embarking on a round the world trip which will finally end in England .


         According to Rory Flynn this was a pivotal time in his life he told his father that and Im paraphrasing here, that you spent most of your time working to earn money to spend and only a very small time enjoying the benefits, so in this letter he more or less has made up his mind to grab life and live life to the full and not waste a minute of it and that he really didn't care about money.

                    I met and spoke to Rory Flynn she is such a nice person she has a very gentle quality about her and she very kindly signed my copy of her book

I happened to sit beside two Ladies who had never seen Robin Hood after the movie they said it was a terrific movie and Mr Flynn “was just too handsome and what a smile he had”

I enjoyed the whole experience and hope to attend next year                

— daringthorpe

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