My tribute to Errol Flynn in 26 words!

These selected words probably sum up our man who will be 102 years on Monday and still very much alive!

Athletic, Baron, Charismatic, Debonair, Enigmatic, Fantastic, Grand, Hunk, Intelligent, Jester, Kind, Lover, Marvellous, Naughty, Overwhelming, Phenomenal, Quintessential, Roister, Sportsman, Theatrical, Unique, Virile, Wanderer, Xcellent, Yachtsman, Zest.


I am sure this opens the door to many authors on the blog creating a similar version!! Please try, it is great fun. I tried to complete a full logical sentence using the whole alfabet from A-Z, but perhaps it is up to a fellow writer on the blog to exceed the first one here.

— Don Jan

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