Errol's application for American citizenship!

Here is Errol's application to become an American!
Which was made on May 9, 1936 or December 20, 1938 not clear to me on this record.  Maybe some of you fellow members can decipher this one?

Did he forget the date he married Lili – maybe he wanted to that?  So, when did he get married? Is it really May 5, 1935 as he states in this application or as so many records say otherwise – that it was June 19, 1935? Another noteworthy declaration on this application is –  as stated here – that he lived already in May 1936 at 601 North Linden Drive.  Did he live there with Lili?  Was this not his Bachelor Pad with David Niven? There are nothing but questions – leave it to Errol and there are nothing but  riddles! Is there anybody able to shed some light on it?

— Tina

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