Errol Flynn weekly Quiz

Dear fellow bloggers/authors,

I just got a marvelous idea to keep the right spirit going and give the site even more “zest. Probably a “first” among such quality websites. Why not take it in turn for each regular author to ask the others a quiz question on a weekly basis and get everybody (time permitting) going, searching and trying to give the correct answer. I think that keeps the juices and spirits (excluding alcohol) flowing I would say, what?

I don't mean questions like: “Who was the director of such and such film made in such and such year. Or “In which film did Errol have to grow a beard?”  Neither, “Who co-starred opposite Errol in “Hello God”? (although I must admit that would be a great trick question now I think about it (haha!). Hell no, I mean more “deep down” substantial questions. Now I am writing this I become quite serious about it actually. Is there such a thing as “I demand or I insist?”

Comments please…………………..!?


Personally, I think it is a must

— Don Jan

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