Errol on a Barrel!


Hi Everyone!

I was MIA and I really missed you and the Blog!  I wonder if I ever catch up with all the news
as it has been a long time.  


In a nutshell since August things went from bad to worse!  First I had eye surgery, which should have
been simple, but you guessed it – it was not!  After that and thinking all is well again my
daughter became ill, then to top the “Bill of Fair” my husband got very sick
and had to have bypass surgery and that was an ordeal as it was associated with
complications twice.  We nearly lost him,
but thanks to the Lord he pulled through! 


Now that the worsted is over and the family finally breathes
again I thought it is time to get back on the Blog, although maybe just
part-time but nevertheless one has to be grateful for small mercies.


With my return to action I thought I give you a giggle!

Errol on a barrel! 

These are hilarious pictures of our Hero in a Western Sombrero sitting on a barrel our good old Errol!  

What was Warner Brothers thinking to make pictures like that?  I can understand for their internal special
effects photography – but to publish them?

What are your thoughts about it?  No doubt they are funny, but……

— Tina

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