From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

Steve Genene Randell

Hi all! Well, about a week ago I finished Errol and Olivia.What a great read it was hard to put down. every morning for about 1 hour I read the book. I learnt a lot about Olivia's fight with JL She had to be 1 gutsy broad to do what she did and the things he did to her for it. But she won out in the end because of what she done her name will be used in the legal profession for all time to come. The star crossed lovers such as Errol and her were. And the many lovers they had before and since their meeting but she always say's there was that something different about Errol that glimmer in his eyes that had gone when she met him many years layer. And how she slapped his face when he approached her because she did not know her. This book is intriguing stirring, and gutsy. If you have not got your copy all ready get your hands on one. PS and there were some pics I have not seen. Here is the link if you want to get yourself a copy…

Regards, Genene.

— David DeWitt

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