“FLYNN” The Movie!

I hope all of you had a great summer so far! I have been absent for a while due to, visitors, vacation, travel and currently to a cataract operation on one eye, the other will follow .  Such is life in the fast lane – ha, ha – as they say!
A friend of mine, an Errol fan like me found this Australian movie called “Flynn” and send it to me and I am passing it on to you.  I am sure that some of you have seen it but maybe not all of you.  I am for one, who never had the pleasure and maybe there are more of our members who have been out of the loop with this one. I had an inkling that there must exist an Australian bio movie due to some excerpts I saw in the “Tasmanian Devil” and this is it –  “Flynn”.  Guy Pearce an Australian actor plays Errol, although he resembles more to Horst Buchholz than to Errol, and he is only 5'10 and that makes a difference too, but may that be as it is… We have to use our imagination!

You maybe have to download a special Player of which I am giving you the link to be able to view the movie.
Player link:

that is if you have Firefox as your browser.  If you have another browser the movie link will either tell you what Player you need or download the “Free Window Media Player 11” .

The Movie link:

If you have problem let me know maybe I can help. The link also works on Internet Explorer!

It will be interesting to hear what you think of the movie.
Good luck and have fun watching it!
All the best to all of you,

— Tina

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