More Sad News for Flynn Fans Admin Comment

The article titled More Sad News for Flynn Fans was removed at the request of its Author, Xaviant.

I emailed Xaviant who tells me he was in the process of deleting his comments about Pat when he discovered the blog was down due to bandwidth problems. This is usually caused by the file size of pictures uploaded to the blog. It may be time to remind people that digital cameras produce large file sizes and to resize them to something smaller before uploading to the blog. In any case, Xaviant was speaking in the heat of the moment, and once he realized his remarks were a bit over the line he intended to delete them himself. We have comment guidelines to refer to, btw. His comments were over the top but who hasn't felt a rush of frustration like this? With all of the work he has done on his screenplay it is natural to have intense feelings about your project. However, there are folks here who know that many good projects have met roadblock after roadblock on the way to success. The difference between success or failure is often a matter of dogged determination and perseverance…

I have left the comments that followed this article in place to show blog readers what happened and what we are all about when we go off the rails a bit. Xaviant is a valued Author and  this really is a small blip on the radar screen, as far as I am concerned.

So we move on from here with smiles on our faces, and the wind in our hearts!

Admin/The Errol Flynn Blog

— Xaviant Haze

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