Why not Ridley?

     Dear Errol Fans,

       Why not Ridley Scott?

           I see that he (Ridley) has a way of cutting through the 'bull' and telling the story as it is , or was. Whatever you think of him personally, you have to admit that he knows his stuff. Look no further than “Bladerunner”, one of the best films ever made.(in my humble opinion, that is) I do not have a problem with that as long as it is truthfull. I think we Errol fans tend to embrace the good and turn a blind-eye to the bad. That is par for the course for folks who are blinded by the “boilerplate” that was penned by journalists who were paid to ignore the bad and play up the 'good'. I believe a true story of Erroll's life with all the warts and  human weakness he had would be a blockbuster. I think it would be “R” rated. Errol is a combination of good, evil, saintly, and maybe a little wicked . This is a story of us all, whether we admit it or not.

         I admire Errol because he was his own man, and never apologized to anyone. This sort of man is hard to find these days.


— john

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