Hello Friends!

Dear Errol Fans,

      As Arnold might say; “I'm back.” I have been busy doing research for a project, but now that it is done, I'm keen to get back to the Blog.

     I have a question for the readers: I recently saw a trailer for the new 'Robin Hood' and it got me thinking. I would love to see a movie about Errol done by Ridley Scott. Something not at all romantic, but gritty, hard-hitting and all too realistic. Ridley has directed 'Alien', 'Bladerunner', 'Gladiator', 'Blackhawk Down', 'Kingdom of Heaven', American Gangster' and other wildly successful movies that have a certain “Theme” to them. Errol's story has enough highs and lows for ten Greek comedy's and tragedy's. The gritty reality of Errol's life is the stuff of legends. I believe people are much more sophisticated these days and will not tolerate a “cardboard hero” defeating “cardboard bad guys” as in the past. I believe this is a golden opportunity for a visionary film-maker to tell a no-nonsense story, and there is no lack of real adventure, action or romance in the true story.

     Errol was a man after all, not just a figure on a screen. His life was filled with all the 'day to day drama's' we all experience. He was neither devil nor saint, but something in between.(Like us all, I think) I think he has a story to tell that up to now, has not been told. We have mostly been told only the 'high points' and the “spin”.For an example, think of  the new 'James Bond' movies with it's much more believable and human lead actor. Something like that. I believe it would be a blockbuster if done correctly. Now mind you, some fans would be horrified and upset, and some even turned off by the film, but I think it might start a new generation of Errol fans who would find out what we all know: Errol Flynn was quite possibly the most intriguing person to come along in a hundred or more years, maybe ever.

      I'm sure you all have strong opinions and that is good. So tell me what you think.



— john

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