Who knows anything about that?

Today I was on Amazon and found this French titled book advertised, as the title is unknown to me I went to Google and found the story of a movie (1959) of a boy extremely similar to Errol's life as a youth titled “Les 400 Coups” = The 400 Blows. Please go to Google and read it I could hardly believe it.  There is somewhere a connection – I think?
Errol's title is “Mes 400 Coups” = My 400 Blows and he supposedly is the author???
If it has anything to do with MWWW why the parallel to the movie “Les 400 Coups”
Any insides to this – Errolists???

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                                                                                        Good looking French kid too!
Wonderful picture of Errol!
This artist's rendering accentuates by giving great emphasis to his chevron eyebrows representing him with that lovely devilish look.

— Tina

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