The Zaca!


Templeton Crocker's Zaca!

Errol Flynn's 118 foot Schooner “Zaca”,  which means
“peace” in Samoan language and I think it is that peace and tranquility he longed for. 

The Zaca was never renamed, except in World War II where she was “IX-73”, she became a service schooner out-fitted with anti-aircraft machine
guns and was

strategically placed to report positions of passing Japanese ships on the coast of California.

Originally the Zaca was commissioned
by Templeton Crocker and
cost $200,000.00.  Crocker employed Garland Rotch
to design the schooner who borrowed the lines for the second Zaca from Canada’s
famed Bluenose.  Zaca was at the Nunes Brothers yard at Hurriane Gulch Sausilito
in 1929 and launched by Marie Dressler.  Crocker sponsored expeditions to
Polynesia, traveled the world in his yacht and helped rejuvenate the California Historical
Society.  Garland Rotch was Zaca's first captain and her maiden voyage in 1930 was the
first time a private yacht circumnavigated the globe from the West Coast.  The
crew included, scientists, about a dozen professional sailors as well as a
In 1941, every seaworthy private yacht over
75' was requisitioned by the U.S.
Navy.  Templeton Crocker was paid just $35,000 for his beloved $350,000 schooner.

In 1946 Zaca was purchased by Errol Flynn who proceeded to
do a full, much needed restoration and de-militarization.

The Zaca was Errol Flynn's pride and joy throughout the years of ownership until October 14th, 1959 the day he passed away.
What followed was a horrendous crime!  Errol Flynn's estate was for 14 years in probate totally inexcusable – a crime!  The Zaca suffered dreadfully – she was so badly abused and suffered outrageous indignities during this time.. She was sold, she was stolen, she was robbed of all her values, respect and

distinctions.  She was left to

decompose!  I am sure Errol Flynn turned in his grave!
But as Errol was a survivor, so was the Zaca she held out til one day her rescuer Roberto Memmo found and restored her to more than her former glory!  I am sure Errol is happy now!

   image Errol Flynn's Zaca!

— Tina

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