As some of you know…

Hallo, Chums!

As some of you know, I have had an unexpected abdominal surgery, and spent 11 days in the hospital recently. I am home now, recovering for an estimated period of 6-8 weeks. Things went well during the surgery for me. Nothing too scary was found and the problem was addressed via the surgery. At this point, I am healing very, very slowly. I have not felt well enough to sit at the computer for very long periods until today, one of my “good days” but I wanted to let you all know I still here and doing well…

If you have not been able to log-on to use your Reader Account privileges, I have now set them for you. I apologise for any inconvenience.

It is very heartening to see all the comments being left on the blog in my absence and the new articles, and photos, too!

Best to all, d~

— David DeWitt

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