Since a few of us have been scouting the property up at Mulholland where Errol had a hilltop home – it seems a good idea to mention the article in the June 2, 1939 LA Mirror that Rick Stinehour found on their history blog…
Rick says,
It is a piece from a column — “Nuestro Pueblo” — that the paper ran on a regular basis. This particular article deals with the monument devoted to Colonel Lankershim, which abutted the Mulholland Farm property. Quite an interesting account of the Boy Scouts annoying EF's pets!
Also, deserving mention, if you go to the LA Time's website and access this article directly, some kind soul has taken photos of the contemporary sight and provided information as to how visitors may take a hike into see the monument in person. What a trip that would be! -RS
I was unable to find the link to the photos for us – but one of you computer whiz types out there might have better luck! Meantime Rick provides a photo of the article for us and I have made it into a pdf… Enjoy!
— David DeWitt
June 29, 2009 at 1:12 pm
Not too surprising: James Boon Lankershim's monument still stands…and here's a photo of it:

The Flickr page where I found it:…
June 29, 2009 at 1:24 pm
More pics and info on the location here:…
July 4, 2009 at 1:28 am
Russ! This is a great picture! I am worried about file sizes, however! The blog has been down three times in the last few weeks due to bandwidth problems and large photos are the problem. No to pick on you, my friend! I need to post something to everybody about this. I was able to reduce the pic you kindly posted from 696kb to 108kb with something called VSO Image Resizer… if you have Windows, you can run this program. We all need to watch our photo sizes now. Our digital cameras are great but the file sizes they produce are HUGE… I uploaded the reduced pic to the the blog's file area. Maybe you can edit your comment or redo it with the smaller image, instead?
The file is now named Lankershim.jpg
July 5, 2009 at 4:03 am
Hi David — I'm not sure what you mean. I uploaded the image to Image Shack and just put the link here. So there's no bandwidth cost at all to this website.