Boston Globe Review of New DVD Set

This link will connect to a review of the new EF DVD set in the 8-1-10 edition of the Boston Sunday Globe. A favorable and thoughtful review!…… — Rick

EF Honorary Pallbearers

Greetings – It has been interesting to read the accounts of EF's passing in the archives of the LA Times these past few days. Today's edition has a reproduction of the photo of EF's remains arriving in LA by train, accompanied by Buster Wiles. In one of the many articles, it quotes Patrice Wymore listing the names of the honorary… (more…)

New EF Book?

Hello All – Just a brief note to say that Amazon has listed yet a new David Bret publication on EF due out in November 2009 entitled “Gentleman Hellraiser”. I did not bother reading his first attempt — by all accounts a massive work of fiction with little or no reliable sources. Apparently, Mr. Bret is taking a second run… (more…)