Errol Flynn receives honorable mention from Robert Mitchum’s daughter.

Errol Flynn given credit in new book for speaking out against animal abuse in movies. In an interview hosted by Dave Davies (who was filling in for Terry Gross) on the radio program “Fresh Air” broadcast on National Public Radio on March 21st, 2016… Patrina Day Mitchum, daughter of actor Robert Mitchum, and coauthor of the book Hollywood Hoofbeats gives… (more…)

Errol Flynn at the White House

While searching the Franklin D. Roosevelt online library, I happened to remember that EF had been photographed with FDR. I also recalled that he wrote a letter to Eleanor Roosevelt on behalf of his friend Dr Erben who was trying to emigrate to the US.  I searched the FDR website and found an entry in the President’s calendar indicating that… (more…)