The Case; Part II

Found that I could only put up the pics in a new post, but here they are… — Delvan

Look Who Was In “The Last of Robin Hood”

Yep, my acting awards should start rolling in for my outstanding portrayal as Errol’s cue-card man. Ah, stardom. How brief you are… — Delvan

My Wicked Wicked Ways

Found this poster in the Flynn closet.  Haven’t seen this one in many years.  Anybody else have this one? — Delvan

Luke Flynn

In case you missed the recent episode of NO RESERVATIONS with Anthony Bourdain, here’s a screen shot.  The travel this time was to Jamaica, and Port Antonio in particular.  Anthony had dinner with a billionaire in the town who also invited Luke and his Jamaican wife.  Here’s Luke on the right.  Just a fantastic discovery after I recorded the episode.… (more…)

More From The Red Skelton Pics

This goes along with the one posted earlier.  They took a number of these… — Delvan

Flynn Birth Certificate

Note Errol’s comments about the date of his parent’s marriage (1/23/09) and Errol’s date of birth (6/20/09).   — Delvan

Rosemary Flynn Obituary

For those who may be interested…  Washington Post; July 1, 1981 — Delvan

Young Errol

A somewhat rare-ish picture of Errol, Marelle and Theo at a conference during his early youth.  Though a bit hard to see clearly, Marelle is the (L-R) first person on the first row.  Theo is the third person on the front row.  Errol is the 6th person on the front row.  He’s the smaller of the people, obviously. — Delvan

Pool Teaser: Could This Be It?

— Delvan

Bev’s Birthday Party

Another pic.  AND… I was wrong about it being at CIRO’S!  Robert Florczak has let me know that Bev’s party was actually at Villa Frascati.  Thanks, man!!! PS:  We have a 99% confirmation on the pool that we’ve been discussing in the posts before.  Compared pics and it appears to be the same.  Not the Knickerbocker!!!  More very soon! —… (more…)