Korngold Gets His Due

This very nice article about the recent Korngold resurgence surfaced on Yahoo! News today.  I thought you all might enjoy! Happy New Year to all, Becky 'Hollywood Sound' composer gets his due By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press WriterWed Dec 26, 4:31 PM ET Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart … Korngold? Countless millions have at least heard of the classical masters associated with… (more…)

From the Front…

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />  Good morning!   Higham’s been showing up a lot, seemingly at my every turn, of late.  A short description of recent encounters, from the past two weeks:   1)      My new co-worker came into my office gushing about an “absolutely lovely costume drama” she had recently seen.  As she continued to describe… (more…)