Monthly Archives: April 2009

Early Zaca Logbook on the block

With excitement brewing over the Cother book, I went a searching and came up with a rather intersting item that is/was for sale:…… FLYNN, ERROL & YACHT ZACALog Book of Errol Flynns Luxury Yacht 'Zaca from October 12, 1945 – December 5, 1946. Including the Ships Ledger Listing Payments Made to the Crew and Itemized Payments Toward General Supplies… (more…)

We Welcome New Author Rick Stinehour to the Errol Flynn Blog!

Welcome Rick! The Errol Flynn Blog is pleased to have you aboard! We look forward to your thoughts and contributions, and are happy to have you among us… — David DeWitt

Yet another Flynn book: Master of the Zaca

Ahoy all- I have been in touch with the author of Master of Errol Flynn's Zaca Captain Patrick C. Cother. The writer is none other than his daughter Bonnie Cother. Though currently traveling in the UK promoting the book, she was kind enough to send me a brochure. She'll be back June 1 stateside, ready to accept orders. It is… (more…)

Cheyenne Blood – in rehearsal with Louis Kraft

Louis Kraft:   “Cheyenne Blood” is in rehearsal and I'm having a blast (for background on the play and Ned Wynkoop see the attachment). The Petite Theatre, which is the home of the Elite Theatre Company, is an intimate theater, something I've not experienced since taking the Ned Wynkoop one-man show on the road (always huge venues outside of California).… (more…)