Flynn's Jamaica

08 Nov


I came across this article today in the national newspaper 'The Australian':-…

kind regards



— dmbaus


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  1. Anonymous

    November 8, 2010 at 3:53 am

    Wow, what a delightful article…..sent chills down my spine, the part where he thinks he has found Flynn's old house. How sad though to hear they are wanting to 'redo' Navy Island….will this be a Mulholland Farm redux? We should mount some kind of campaign…to prevent them from destroying what was left of Flynn's properties. I wonder what Pat Wymore thinks about this. I was reminded too, of the tale another poster put up here some time back, about his rather harrowing experience on Navy Island, how the locals claim it is haunted, how he felt a very intense presence there. I'll bet Flynn's ghost is there, just like on the Zaca, and at his old estate on Mulholland….

  2. Anonymous

    November 8, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    I agree, Brenda, a beautiful article. It made me realise how time is slipping away – there are still only a few people left who knew Errol personally and who could tell so many stories – which someone should record.
    Also, Brenda, do you think that Errol's ghost “splits” himself to be at so many places, or is he here today and there tomorrow?

  3. Anonymous

    November 10, 2010 at 4:08 am

    It makes you wonder! But so many people have reported sightings or incidents (so many at his Mulholland Farm, the Zaca, etc.). I wonder too Aresia, if ghosts can be everywhere at once, or like you say, here today, there tomorrow! :~) He was so bigger than life when alive, this does not suprise me, that he could possibly be all over after death!

  4. Anonymous

    November 10, 2010 at 6:48 am

    Yes, I've heard of these reports, too, but seriously, I think he is just haunting “his” places one after the other. After all, a ghost doesn't need to board a plane! So he can be here, and there the next minute. – Ah, I can already here some comments about us indulging in ghosts… :-)